Thursday, April 24, 2008

I can't even believe I'm typing this.......

...but I have come to LOVE the gym. Who friggin knew?

The girl who once used any and every excuse to not go to the gym, including forgetting a hair elastic (seriously?) now can't go a weekday without hitting up the gym. Wowsa. How times have changed. I remember 4 months ago, every day at 3:30pm on the dot, I would begin to think of reasons to miss the 4:30pm scheduled gym visit; forgot my socks, too tired, PMSing, headache, sore back, too hungry, bad day at work, too many things to do at home, forgot my sneakers (on purpose), forgot socks, don't want to get all sweaty before a dinner out. You name it, I've thought of it. But now....

I feel awful if I can't make it to the gym at LEAST Mon-Thursday everyday after work. I have to get in at least those 4 workouts in order to function throughout the week. Most Fridays I hit the gym for a light workout but nothing too intense since I usually have dinner plans on Fridays. But then the weekend hits.....and my exercise mojo is thrown out the window. It's not like I sit home on the couch all weekend watchin reruns (although it's tempting...) I'm usually puttering aorund the house or running errands or shopping but no formal form of exercise has been consistently showing up on the weekends. So my goal? 30 mins of something on Saturday AND Sunday. Whether it's yard work or a walk to the store, or mowing the lawn. I need to get something going on during the weekends. Maybe that will be my Summer Challenge goal....hmm. Anyone else think of any ideas for the Summer Challenge? Let me know if your interested!

Last night at the gym, I had one of those awesome workouts where I honestly felt like I could keep going for hours. I did 12 mins on the rowing machine, 5 mins on the bike, and 38 mins on the stepper (Wow that thing is a good way) I was soaked by the end of it. Oh and I also threw in 150 crunches at the end using the stability ball. It took about 65 mins for the whole workout and I left feeling refreshed and super energized. Tonight I'm planning on something similar.

Who's in for the Summer Challenge? It starts this Saturday since that is 8 weeks exactly from Summer. What are your goals?


  1. Good for you loving the gym, that is so great. I saw you use the rower, I have never tried it, is it tough? I might need to try something new. I am up for the challenge, 8 weeks to summer YIKES! I really have to get my ass in gear now!

  2. Yay! I'm glad you love the gym now! :) I'm curious about the rower too. I don't think there is one at my gym, but I've seen one before at my old gym and been too chicken to use it. Does it work your back and arms?

    You have a good goal in mind for the summer challenge! I haven't thought of mine yet, but I better get on it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree, I have become a gym-lovin gal as well!!! I find that I NEED my gym high to get through the night!!! And if I don't go for a couple of days I just feel AWFUL and it takes at least one day (which is usually a crappy workout) to get back into it!!!

    I am totally in for the summer, I am trying to think of goals...I would say 56 days...I will aim for 52 workouts (I am out of town one weekend) and I want to be AS CLOSE to losing 100 lbs total as I possibly can (it's about 18 lbs to lose...I would love to be there so I will aim for it, but be happy if I get close!)Okay, so yeah, I am totally in!

  5. Yay the gym! It's addictive, I guess that's good advice for somebody who doesn't like it now, you will eventually.

    Summer challenge...I know my biggest challenge is the eating. I think I personally need to put in a bit of structure to make sure I'm eating properly. Like a minimum of so many vegetables and stuff. I workout enough and have no problem getting it in. I dunno how you'd be able to do eating well in a challenge though, it's so personal.

  6. thats a great feeling :) i'm happy for you! i've realized now that i've started back up how much i too like the gym. i might not necessarily love every second, but the happiness at the end is all worth it!

    i'm in for the summer challenge. mine is to get to the gym a minimum of 3x a week - and to lose 6 lbs. :)

  7. 150 crunches!! Holy rock star!!!

    I love the rower. It works everything! It's the best thing to do when pressed for time. I've had several trainers tell me it's the best thing to use for a warm-up. We only have one at my gym, and whenever I think to use it it's always busy.

  8. Oh, I love your challenge dynamic is always awesome! But I wanted to let you know that I won't be joining this time around.... I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks in May, and although I plan to keep up my activity and my healthy plans it just won't fit with a challenge. Besides, my focus will be on my Relay for the next 6 weeks..... :)

  9. I don't have a gym membership so it's Tae bo at home and running when i can! My challenge is that in 8 weeks i would like to weigh 145. I am at 158 right now. I think with hard work and dedication it can be done!!!

  10. I am so in for the challenge!
    I'd like to finish the challenge weighing in at 140. I guess I'll have to end my boycott with the scale - but I'm only checking it once a week to report back! I think I'm about 149 right now, so we'll just say my goal is to lose 8 pounds - 1 pound a week!!

    Ok, I totally know what you mean about working out!! I don't have a gym membership, so I jog on our treadmill and do tae bo videos. I LOVE tae bo. I'm so excited about the new T3 series. I'm pretty sure it got delivered to my house today, and I can't wait to get started on it. :)

  11. My summer challenge goal which I started today is to aim for meeting Canada's food guidelines. To push myself to meet it, I'm not saying I can't have any sweets or snacks but that I must meet the majority of the requirements before I indulge. Also, I have to drink my water before getting my daily diet pepsi.

    Leigh anne

  12. I used to hate the gym! like yourself would come up with about every excuse in the book not to go, but I have been going religiously since the beginning of December, and now I am quite addicted. I try to get in 3 workouts a week, and I feel terrible when I don't!

  13. I am in. I am going to say I want to be at 130 on the weight watchers scale by then. So that is my goal. :) Thanks for doing this.

  14. I'll join your challenge. Just found your blog from lurking through other weight loss blogs...anyway, my goal would be to break back into the 140's.

  15. 150 crunches! wow! i think i'm usually toast by 75-100, and that's only if i'm doing front AND side ab-work... you are my inspiration for sure! would love to do a challenge but can't guarantee anything til this damn meeting is over... :o(

  16. Way to go !!! It is so funny how exercise can turn from that dreaded thing to something you just love to do !

  17. great post! i love working out too. maybe on the weekend you can do some sort of outside activity. every sat. morning i go for a run and my bf cooks breakfast for us... it's sort of become a ritual. i am into a summer challenge, whatever it may be.


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