Well here it is...my official first blog entry.
Here is a little about how I came to find WW and what it has been so far...
I decided to start a blog basically to hold myself accountable on the WW plan. I first started WW on Jan 3/06 with my husband in tow. I was sick of feeling like everyone was staring at me and I was certainly sick of having to squeeze myself into my pants (since I refused to buy a size larger, aka...the right size).
Everything I did was revolved around my weight, my whole mentality revolved around being overweight. I never wanted to go out and do anything with my husband and I especially dreaded summer time since summer meant shorts and tank tops and exposed skin. I was constantly thinking of ways to cover up and hide my weight from everyone. I would wear baggy sweaters, or keep my coat on as much as possible. I was
ALWAYs defensive when anyone would even mention the word diet, or health, or exercise. Anyone who has been overweight knows
exactly what I am talking about. I don't think I ever realized how bad it was and how aware of my weight I was until I lost some of it. I think that I was trying so hard to hide it from everyone else that I actually ended up fooling myself too.
In January 2006, I decided that enough is enough. If I didn't get into shape now, it was never going to happen and I
would live my whole life being overweight and hiding from everyone. It was truly the best decision I have ever made. My life has turned completely around and now I am 58 lbs lighter and on my way to the big 75.
There are SO many online resources that I use daily to help me on my WW journey. Over the past year I have come up with so many great WW tips and tricks that I though it would be great to start a blog and share with others who are on the same weight loss journey (it isn't always an easy one...in fact it is very rarely easy and often very difficult) But it can be done! And WW is truly a great program that can be a great resource along the way.
I haven't really decided what this blog is going to become but I am certainly open for some feedback. I also haven't decided whether or not to post my daily food journal (many WW
bloggers do this to keep accountable).
That's it for now!