Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I think I may have found it...

I have been having a great few days on my meal plan and I must say, I am feeling fantastic!! Monday and Tuesday I did not waiver and didn't even consider it for a moment. My clothes are starting to feel loose again and I finally feel like I'm back in the zone. I found my motivation!! Yesterday I went to Homesense & Walmart looking for some pictures for the house (found a BEAUTIFUL painting for our dining room!!) and I was waiting to pay for it and I saw those darn Cadbury thins...the Toffee ones were just staring me in the face, I think I even reached out for one at one point but pulled my hand back!! I just remember thinking, "I know I shouldn't, but what is one little 100 calorie chocolate bar going to do really???" Then I got to thinking about how Ms. Kelly found her motivation and how great she felt and I was thinking that I WANT to feel that great so I walked out of the store sans chocolate Thanks Kelly!! and everyone else who motivates me to make the right decisions!!! You are all lifesavers!

I've decided that this weekend, Saturday is going to by my cheat day since Scott and I have a whole day planned for our 3 year wedding anniversary. We are starting the day off by going to a beautiful beach that is about 45 minutes away. We are just going to laze around, soak up some sun, maybe play a little frisbee and have a picnic there. Then we are heading to a really sweet small town that's right on the water about 30 minutes away from the beach. It's one of those small towns that you would see in the movies and it attracts tonnes of tourists during the summer months since all of the old fashion ma and pa shops are open and you can find some really neat things there. Since it's right on the ocean, you can go on amazing whale watching tours and we've been considering hitting up one of those as well. I am packing our lunch so I should be able to make something relatively healthy. Then we are coming back home in the late afternoon and going out to a really fancy restaurant in town. I even have a new dress to wear. After that (and this part really attests to the type of people Scott and I are) we are going home, throwing on some comfy clothes and then we are heading about 40 mins out of town to go to a drive-in movie theatre! It's going to be a great day (as long as the weather cooperates!) So needless to say, I won't exactly be following my meal plan on Saturday but Sunday I'm going to jump back on the wagon and stick to it. Next weekend is our housewarming party so I want to look and feel good for that.

I've been so busy working on the house that I fell asleep before BB8 even started last night!! I was laying on the couch waiting for it to come on and I was out by 9:00! Scott tried to wake me up when is started but I was out. He did fill me in this morning though about what happened. Why does America HATE Eric so much? They keep giving him the most ridiculous give Jessica the silent treatment?? C'mon America...give him a break! I feel bad for the guy because he would probably be playing the game a lot differently if he wasn't America's choice. I can only hope that ED goes home on Thursday but Scott told me that Jessica is starting to wonder if Dustin and ED are in some sort of alliance together...What is THAT??? Since I only got the cliff notes from Scott, I need you ladies to fill me in!!


  1. yay!! i'm glad your motivation is coming back, mine has been in full force this week and i really feel great. no more guilt from eating crap. i've been OP and exercising all week, it's felt great and i can already tell my clothes have more room in them too, not as snug. :) i'm glad i played a part in your motivation, we can do this!! i think this fall will be a good one for me, i really need the summer craziness to be over with. as much as i love the weather, there is too much going on: bbqs, happy hours, concerts, weddings, too much!!

    BB8 was good last night at the end, i think you can watch the episodes on too in case you dont have tivo. at the very end of the episode they tell eric that he has to give jessica the cold shoulder. he decides he's just going to sleep all day so she won't think anything is up.

    earlier dustin told jess that he didnt care if she put him up against dick so that he could feel the satisfaction of showing dick out the door. well jessica is sitting outside with jen and jen tells her that he thinks dustin is in an alliance ED. jessica seems to have an epiphany and really believes jen. she was like "it all makes sense now" and goes right in to talk to eric and eric, giving her the silent treatment, says "can we talk later? i just went to the medic and they said i should avoid everyone and just sleep." she kind of walks off in a huff and goes up to her room and starts talking to herself. she was saying "he's in on it too. they're all in an alliance" and then in the diary room she says she thinks shes a pawn for eric and dustin and all of them and they're just using her since she's HOH. she even starts to cry.

    i was thinking about it, and it is totally possible for her to switch sides and vote dustin out of the house. zach said he would vote her way, jen would, so would daniele. so it would be 4 to 3 and dustin would go home. we will have to wait and see :) hope that recap helped!!

    let's stay motivated :) what is your next goal? i want to get back to my comfortable weight of 133-134 and then go from there. i'm at 136.2 right now.

  2. THanks Carolyn! Love to hear about getting back in the game full force! (and 3 years, congrats!)

  3. Congrats on your third wedding anniv! It sounds like you have a lovely day planned and you absolutely should enjoy it!

    And good for you - sticking to your plan for the past two days! Yippeee - you must be proud!

  4. enjoy your anniversary!!! Sounds like you have a good day planned.

    and WTG on passing up the chocolate. that's the hardest to just NOT grab it...the craving usually passes quickly once it's outta sight!

  5. i love the hills!! i cant stand heidi/spencer. they suck. and what is all that about whitney kissing brody (from the previews). wtf!

  6. Yay for getting the motivation back!

    Also, congrats on the 3 year wedding anniversary!

  7. Hey there, just discovered your blog. Its great! :)

  8. WooOhoOOo to feeling on track. Happy Anniversary! I hope you and Scott had a great weekend together!!

    Okay I am glad I am not the only one wondering why America isn't helping Eric. When I saw he had to give jessica the silent treatment I yelled at the TV, "Don't do it!!". I actually felt bad for Jessica when she started crying because she was confused.

    My husband is into the show now too. We saw Tuesday and Thursday even though we were in Yosemite because once it gets dark, there isn't a lot to do, so I didn't miss my BB. Hahaha! :D


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