Saturday, March 3, 2007

I love Saturdays!

Just a quick post tonight....wanted to write out my daily food journal so I would have an idea how I am doing this weekend. I am in Fredericton with the little munchkin! We have been having a great time playing and laughing!
I also got up this morning and went for a 45 min walk/run. It was 5 degrees out this morning and it was beautiful!
Here is how I am doing today...


2c. All Bran Flakes 3
1/4 c. skim milk 0.5
Total: 3.5

Frozen dinner
Rigatoni Pomordoro 4
(I was in a rush to get on the road!)

2 cups of grapes 2
Total: 9.5

Erica's famous lasagna 8
Ceasar salad 5
Total: 22.5

Snack & Dessert:
Bluberry pie 8
Cadbury Thin 2

Total Point used today: 32.5
Flex Points used: 10.5

Remaining Flex points: 10.5

Eric also picked up a homemade blueberry pie and since I have a few bonus points left (quite a few actually) I think I'll indulge!!

I have gotten quite a few e-mails of encouragement and I really appreciate it!! Thanks everyone!


PS Comments are appreciated, I am still looking for ways to improve the blog so leave a message if you are passing through.

Happy Saturday Everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on your food today and even with the lasagna you still managed to stay within points!!

    Oh and I was wondering where did you find the Cadbury eggs, those sound delicious!

    Keep up the great job!


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